Archimed 627 Universal Spinal Brace

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L Code: L0627
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The Archimed 627 Universal Spinal Brace's patent pending design easily adjusts to fit patients of various sizes and provides the support they need in the treatm...
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Archimed 627 Universal Spinal Brace
Archimed 627 Universal Spinal Brace
Product Overview

The Archimed 627 Universal Spinal Brace's patent pending design easily adjusts to fit patients of various sizes and provides the support they need in the treatment of lumbar spine disorders.

Features & Benefits:

  • Universal Design: Attached outer panels easily slide to fit patients with waist sizes ranging from 29" to 57". An available extension panel fits patients with a waist size up to 72".
  • Pulley-lace closure system: provides combined 6 to 1 mechanical advantage and adjustable range of fit per a given size
  • Posterior panel: extends from L-1 to above L-5 vertebra
  • Anterior panel: low-profile panel does not interfere in a seated position
  • US manufacturing: higher quality control standards
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Supplier L Code L0627
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