Lenjoy Elbow Hand Goniometer Orthosis

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Supplier: LENJOY
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The two part internal frame of the Comfy Elbow/Hand Combination Orthosis allows for simultaneous extension of the elbow and hand and accounts for upper extremi...
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Product Overview
  • The two part internal frame of the Comfy Elbow/Hand Combination Orthosis allows for simultaneous extension of the elbow and hand and accounts for upper extremity flexion synergy. Our goniometer works in the same manner as serial casting by gradually adjusting the amount of extension. Simply dial to set goniometer range of flexion and extension. The supplied Allen wrench (fits neatly under cover) adjusts angle on hinge goniometer from 0
Typically in Stock Yes
SureFit+ 2% Discount
Supplier URL www.comfysplints.com
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