Ulnar Nerve Protectors, 15.25"x6.375"x1.75", 1.5 Density, 36pr/bx

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Supplier: DJO
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Alpharetta Fresno
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Protects against pinching and entrapment of the ulnar nerve. Provides cushioning on bony prominences of the arm. Available in Standard and Premium convoluted f...
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Ulnar Nerve Protectors, 15.25"x6.375"x1.75", 1.5 Density, 36pr/bx
Ulnar Nerve Protectors, 15.25"x6.375"x1.75", 1.5 Density, 36pr/bx
Product Overview
  • Protects against pinching and entrapment of the ulnar nerve. Provides cushioning on bony prominences of the arm. Available in Standard and Premium convoluted foam density.
Hazmat No
Typically in Stock No
Age Group Any
SureFit+ 2% Discount
Supplier URL www.djoglobal.com
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